The  European tour 2009


Artistic show

The  European tour 2009,

After the great success of the first tour in Europe that the Circus europ9FantazzTico did in 2007 from Vienna to Paris, it is preparing the second tour that will be from May to June of 2009.  During this two month tour, the Austrian, German, French, Spanish and Italian public will be delighted with the presentations of the young participants.
This trip will allow the young artists to have the unique opportunity of living a beautiful experience and of exploring new horizons.

Another objective is the inter-exchange between them and international artists that they will find at festivals and conventions.

An enterprise of this size is always a huge economic challenge, that’s why we are actively looking for sponsors and donators able to help us in the realization of this project.

We stay at your disposal for any question or information request in regards to an eventual cooperation.


Weihnachtsaktion: Das neue Fotobuch
Europatournee 2009

Promovideo 2009 des Circo FantazzTico

Neue : Unseren Sponsoren fuer die Tournee 2009

NEU : Finden Sie Circo FantazzTico auf FaceBook:
