
Our sponsor for the European Tour 2009


Vida Nueva offers businesses the possibility of supporting and participating in the projects of the association.
In order to develop and continue our activities we invite the support of companies, preferably financial support, but any and all types are welcome and valued. 
Vida Nueva could become a valuable factor in our communication strategy.  The association is active in the entire Costa Rican territory and has ventured into the international world (a tour in 2008 through Central America, and two tours through Europe in 2007 and 2009).
The message of the active population of Vida Nueva is carried far.  First, the networks of the families of the volunteers and the performers are far-reaching.  Then there is the web of relationships of Vida Nueva, other organizations that participate in our projects, the press, event organizers, etc…
The association can bring publicity to companies that support it, promoting before the audiences of performances, mentioning them press conferences and in publications.
To better the efficiency of receiving donations for Vida Nueva we are eager to consult.  We are at your disposal for any consultations.


Weihnachtsaktion: Das neue Fotobuch
Europatournee 2009

Promovideo 2009 des Circo FantazzTico

Neue : Unseren Sponsoren fuer die Tournee 2009

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